European MR Forum recognizes Swedish pioneer

The European Magnetic Resonance Forum (EMRF) has awarded its European Magnetic Resonance Award 2012 to MR pioneer Professor Erik Odeblad of Umeå, Sweden.

The award was given for his MR studies of biological tissues, according to EMRF. Odeblad showed that the nuclear MR signal of tissues was influenced by its chemical and biological surroundings, influencing the relaxation times of tissues, the organization said.

His results were submitted to Acta Radiologica in December 1954, and his paper was published in 1955 (Odeblad E, Lindström G: Some preliminary observations on the proton magnetic resonance in biological samples. Acta Radiol June 1955, Vol. 43:6, pp. 469-476).

He became head of the department of medical physics at the University of Umeå in 1966 and has published some 60 scientific papers on magnetic resonance in human tissues, the EMRF said.

The award will be presented in a special ceremony in Umeå, Sweden, on 25 May.

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