Siemens cuts diagnostics jobs, exits linac sector

Siemens Healthcare will eliminate as many as 1,000 jobs in its global diagnostics unit and phase out its participation in the linear accelerator market.

The end of Siemens' involvement with linear accelerators will lead to the loss of almost 400 more jobs in Germany over the next two years. These cuts would be realized mainly through a relocation of the respective employees in Germany, according to a Siemens spokesperson.

Siemens said it would continue to service its equipment and will not sell its installed base. Commercial sales of its particle-therapy systems ended earlier this year, according to an article published in Bloomberg.

Siemens' medical imaging business is apparently unaffected by the job losses. In fact, the company said it has defended its top spot in MRI and angiography systems, and moved past GE Healthcare in CT, according to the article.

The company is also highlighting increasing revenue and profit with its ultrasound equipment business, and will be expanding this modality into many new application areas, according to the article.

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