Errors in speech recognition; can we trust Wikipedia? And, bionic vet

Not everybody has embraced speech/voice recognition systems. The technology's typical error rate of around 5% is unacceptably high, and it's often time-consuming to correct mistakes. This is the main reason why some radiologists prefer to stick with tried-and-tested dictation methods, if they have a choice to do so.

But new research shows the frequency of errors declines sharply as users become more experienced. Four audits have been conducted over nine years at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, U.K. Click here for the details, or visit our Healthcare Informatics Digital Community.

More of us are turning to Wikipedia every day, but it's not totally reliable. In this week's column, The Maverinck advises caution when using the site, particularly for scientific and medical information. Tell your residents to take care, he writes. To find out more, click here.

French researchers have found that for patients with delayed allergic reactions to iodinated contrast agents, skin tests may help. In a large study, they investigated the usefulness of skin testing to select a safe agent for challenging patients with nonimmediate hypersensitivity reactions to iodixanol. Click here to read more in our CT Digital Community.

In an important new online article from European Radiology, authors from Göttingen in Germany conclude that a BI-RADS-associated MR mammography algorithm can accurately diagnose breast tumors. However, due to false-negative and false-positive MR mammography results, histology is still necessary. To read more, click here.

Both the European Society of Cardiology and the U.K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) have scrutinized the clinical guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of chronic heart failure. Visit our Cardiac Imaging Digital Community or click here for the story.

Finally, the trend toward more celebrity speakers at scientific congresses is continuing. The "Bionic Vet," who advocates extreme surgery for sick and old pets, will give a keynote lecture at the 2012 U.K. Radiological Congress (UKRC). Intrigued? Click here.

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