Case reports go weekly; pacemakers and MRI

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Arguably, there's no better way to update and broaden your knowledge than to read well-constructed cases involving real people. But in recent years, the established radiology journals have tended to concentrate their efforts on publishing major research studies and review articles, meaning there have been fewer opportunities for authors to publish case reports.

The editors of our sister site,, became aware of this situation soon after the site was established in 1999. They made available a way of displaying cases in an easy-to-read, interactive, and practical manner, and's Case of the Day collection now serves as a valuable training resource for members.

Now on, you can look forward to Case of the Week, a regular weekly case report from respected European sources. Click here to view our first two cases. Invited authors from leading hospitals will present case reports that are likely to be of interest to a wide readership within Europe. I hope you enjoy them.

In other news, we have posted two articles on hot topics in MRI this week: what precautions to take in patients with pacemakers, and making optimum use of breast MR. For both reports, we conducted original interviews with European opinion leaders who have extensive experience of the field. now has an editorial advisory board. Click here to find out more about our 13 advisors. This group had its first meeting at ECR 2011, and will help by suggesting ideas and shaping our editorial strategy during the coming months and years. We are very grateful to them for their support and input.

Finally, a significant report about the imaging equipment market in the U.K. was published last week by the National Audit Office. To find out more, you can read our exclusive news story.

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