Vision RT nets FDA OK and several U.S. sales

U.K. radiation therapy developer Vision RT has received 510(k) clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its GateCT and GateRT devices in the U.S.

GateCT is designed to track the 3D surface of a patient to facilitate 4D CT data acquisition or prospective gated CT image data. GateRT tracks respiratory motion in real-time to gate radiation delivery or diagnostic imaging according to a patient's breathing cycle.

Vision RT also noted recent sales and installations in the U.S.

Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston has purchased its fourth AlignRT system, which will be installed in a new treatment room in early 2008. The facility also has ordered a new GateCT device for its CT scanner. Installation is scheduled for later this year. This will be the first GateCT system to be deployed since the product received FDA 510(k) clearance.

Vision RT also noted purchases of its AlignRT by St John's Hospital in St Louis; Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital in Whittier, CA; and Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego. A new AlignRT system also was installed recently at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI.

By staff writers
October 29, 2006

Related Reading

Vision RT launches 3D product at ASTRO, October 23, 2003

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