Eastern European medical imaging market grows

Public hospitals in Eastern Europe are increasingly approaching private finance service companies to invest in medical imaging equipment.

These private financing initiatives also are raising investment capital and improving the outlook for existing medical imaging modality markets in that part of the world.

Details on this trend are discussed in a new report from market research firm Frost & Sullivan of San Antonio. The report also noted that the Eastern European market produced revenues of $299.8 million (U.S.) in 2007, which may more than double to $631.5 million by 2014.

The study also stated that Eastern Europe is dominated by old equipment, particularly among the most commonly used modalities. At the same time, strict healthcare budgets and low reimbursement have resulted in little incentive to replace existing x-ray systems and purchase new ones. CT and MRI offer high reimbursement at low costs, making the market unpredictable.

Related Reading

European flat-panel detector market climbing, June 11, 2008

European ultrasound market on the rise, April 30, 2008

New applications boost CAD in Europe, April 10, 2008

European mobile imaging services market on the rise, April 7, 2008

European molecular imaging market grows, March 12, 2008

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