Medicsight touts ESGAR colon CAD data

Advanced visualization firm Medicsight of London is highlighting clinical results presented this month from a paper on its Medicsight ColonCAD computer-aided detection (CAD) technology.

According to a study presented at the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, 304 patients underwent virtual colonoscopy as part of routine clinical care. Exams were read by two trained radiographers, with CAD used as a "second reader." Their results were then compared to those of an experienced radiologist, supplemented by colonoscopy findings when available.

The radiographers assisted by CAD detected 100% (17/17) of cancers, 72% (21/29) of polyps larger than 10 mm, and 67% (42/63) of polyps 6 to 9 mm, according to the study. On retrospective analysis, CAD detected 60% of polyps missed by radiographers; had the radiographers accepted these correct CAD annotations, their detection rates would have been 83% and 89% for medium and large polyps, respectively, the company said.

Medicsight said the results indicate that CAD could be accurate in a user group (radiographers) that will play a role in future global colorectal cancer screening programs.

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