Nucletron, ART place AccuBoost at Italian hospital

Radiation oncology firm Nucletron of Veenendaal, Netherlands, and optical molecular imaging developer ART Advanced Radiation Therapy have installed the AccuBoost device at an Italian hospital.

The Istituto Europeo di Oncologia in Milan is the first hospital in Europe to use AccuBoost, which combines real-time mammographic image guidance and brachytherapy and was certified for use in Europe six weeks ago, according to Nucletron.

The hospital is using the technology to pinpoint a tumor and treat it, while protecting healthy surrounding tissue and organs.

Related Reading

Nucletron names Tarca to VP post, March 2, 2010

Nucletron, ART install AccuBoost in Europe, February 24, 2010

Canadian court approves ART bankruptcy, December 11, 2009

Nucletron takes more Pilgrim Software, November 25, 2009

ART debuts new Optix system, September 24, 2009

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