PACS market expected to double in four years

The PACS market will continue to expand in North America and Europe.

That's the conclusion of a report by market analyst Datamonitor, which predicts the PACS market in Europe and North America will reach $8.6 billion by 2011, almost doubling its estimated $4.9 billion value today.

PACS will evolve from being "purely radiology-centric," the report added, as the technology moves into different healthcare departments, as well as academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies.

Driving the PACS market will be the desire for cost savings, time efficiency, and a greater level of patient care.

While France and Germany have been slower than other Western countries to adopt PACS, Datamonitor believes clinical benefits of PACS will prove to be a strong selling point. The firm expects both markets to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 12% and 11%, respectively, from 2006 to 2011.

By staff writers
May 4, 2007

Related Reading

U.S. HIT market poised for expansion, April 4, 2007

Frost sees strong European HIT growth, February 20, 2007

Frost forecasts EHR, clinical trial application convergence, January 23, 2007

Eastern European PACS market to expand, December 5, 2006

U.S. PACS market reaches $1.1 billion, August 31, 2006

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