Siemens targets breast cancer awareness

Siemens Healthcare is launching a breast cancer awareness program.

The campaign includes a Pink Ribbon Around the World initiative, which will collect and highlight photos of breast cancer patients on a special website. The images will be added to a virtual pink ribbon that will grow as more photos are added, ultimately extending around the globe, according to the Malvern, PA-based vendor.

Once the virtual ribbon has completed its international trip around the world, Siemens said it would donate 50,000 euros (approximately $69,800 U.S.) to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization.

Siemens said it will also perform a survey targeting women ages 25 to 65 in the U.S., Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russia, and other countries, to determine their level of knowledge concerning breast cancer and early detection. The company plans to publish the survey results in the spring of 2011 and, based on these results, will develop and distribute awareness materials specifically designed for each country.

The vendor said it has also teamed with the American Cancer Society (ACS) to sponsor a number of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks in U.S. cities.

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