Study: U.S. medical device market will reach $246 billion

Dublin-based Research and Markets estimates that the U.S. medical device and equipment market will be worth $246 billion by 2011.

With a growth rate of 4.6% over the next five years, the global market will continue to be led by the U.S., Europe, and Japan, where demand will be high and economies strong. The highest percentage of growth will be in the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia, where demand for essential medical equipment and supplies will be significant.

By staff writers
February 9, 2007

Related Reading

Handheld US market on the rise, February 7, 2007

IMV report: MRI market growing, February 1, 2007 MarketStat #46: Cath lab device budgets for 2006, January 18, 2007

AuntMinnie's IMV MarketStat #44: Percentage of U.S. hospitals with DR or CR technology, October 9, 2006

Worldwide ultrasound market will reach $4.5 billion, October 25, 2006

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