Michelson gets nod for OCT scanner

Michelson Diagnostics of London has won the CE Mark for clinical use of its VivoSight optical coherence tomography (OCT) scanner in Europe, in addition to nonclinical use worldwide.

VivoSight has a handheld probe that uses multibeam optical coherence tomography to create images of surface tissue at resolutions of 7.5 microns lateral and 10 microns axial. It features four laser beams and can capture either 2D or 3D images of a 5-sq-mm region.

Michelson has begun in vivo trials of the VivoSight scanner. The first trial -- a collaboration between Michelson Diagnostics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany, and University College Hospital in London -- will assess the capability of the probe in differentiating premalignant and early malignant lesions, as well as demarcating nonmelanoma skin cancers before planned surgical excision. At least 100 patients will participate, the company said.

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