Siemens debuts HD-Chest for PET/CT

Siemens Healthcare of Erlangen, Germany, has introduced HD-Chest, a new technology designed to reduce blur created by respiration during PET/CT studies.

With high-definition (HD) lesion detection and improved quantification of standardized uptake values (SUVs) for PET/CT studies, HD-Chest images the chest and upper abdomen in HD to eliminate problems with phase-based 4D gating.

HD-Chest also is designed to optimize each patient's respiratory curve to automatically enhance PET images and adapt to each patient's breathing patterns, selecting the appropriate data range with the least amount of motion and the highest count statistics, according to the company.

The introduction comes at the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) congress, scheduled to begin this weekend in Vienna.

Related Reading

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Siemens inks U.K. service pact, August 24, 2010

BJC buys 5 Siemens CT scanners, August 23, 2010

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