Agfa taps new VP for IT

Agfa HealthCare of Mortsel, Belgium, has appointed a new executive vice president for IT, the company reported.

Dr. Volker Wetekam will manage 3,000 staff members and report to Christian Reinaudo, president of Agfa HealthCare. Wetekam will define and implement the overall strategic plan for Agfa HealthCare's IT division, which manages both the company's Imaging Informatics and Enterprise IT businesses, including PACS, cardiovascular information systems (CVIS), and hospital and clinical information systems (HIS/CIS).

Wetekam has previously served as head of Siemens Healthcare's managed services, turnkey, eHealth, and consulting businesses in healthcare and was also head of the company's global IT marketing organization in Philadelphia.

Related Reading

Agfa receives Premier contract, July 18, 2008

Agfa to add OrthoView to Impax, July 14, 2008

Report: Agfa talks possible sale with two companies, July 1, 2008

Agfa to proceed with Chinese RIS/PACS project, June 10, 2008

Agfa reaches Impax milestone, launches clinical applications package, May 15, 2008

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