ESMIT highlights standout sessions for EANM 2024

The European School of Multimodality Imaging and Therapy (ESMIT) has given advice to attendees ahead of the annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), which begins in Hamburg, Germany on 19 October.

ESMIT has highlighted the following sessions:

  1. Challenge the expert: transatlantic comparison: who does what and why in PSMA-image guided therapy? This special track, led by oncology and theranostics committee education representative Dr. Daniela Oprea-Lager, PhD, Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands, is scheduled for the morning of Monday, 21 October. Oprea-Lager's session will address building bridges between continents, disciplines, diagnostics, and therapy, as well as generations of experts.
  2. Another session will focus on imaging infection. Led by Dr. Lucia Leccisotti, PhD, "Towards the Holy Grail of imaging infection" will take place on the morning of Sunday, 20 October.
  3. From the cardiovascular committee, Dr. Stephan Nekolla, PhD, Technical University of Munich, Germany, will present a learning event on cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT)-based gamma cameras. This session is important, according to ESMIT, because Anger cameras might get "a much-needed upgrade” by digital SPECT systems. Nekolla's session is scheduled on the Learn and Improve Professional Skills (LIPS) Track for the morning of Sunday, 20 October.

The EANM's annual congress runs until 23 October.

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