GE promotes Visipaque study

GE Healthcare is directing attention to abstracts presented at this week's EuroPCR Congress 2015 in Paris involving the use of its Visipaque isosmolar contrast agent.

The abstracts, which are based on a retrospective study that analyzed data from 334,001 angioplasty procedures from the Premier hospital database in the U.S., found significantly fewer renal and cardiac events using Visipaque than in procedures that used low-osmolar contrast media, according to GE. The study found 10.5% fewer major adverse renal and cardiac events when Visipaque was used, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.01).

Those institutions that only used isosmolar contrast media or low-osmolar contrast media had an even greater benefit, with the group receiving isosmolar contrast agents having 26.7% fewer major adverse renal and cardiac events. Visipaque was also used more frequently in angioplasty procedures amongst the elderly and more critical patients, as measured by the Charlson Comorbidity Index, GE said.

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