RöKo 2023 to offer new forums in Wiesbaden

2017 06 21 16 31 10 974 German Flag Button 400

The German Congress of Radiology, RöKo 2023, is to feature new forums that will be unveiled during this year's face-to-face event, which takes place from 17 to 19 May at the Rhein Main Congress Center in Wiesbaden.

The meeting will focus on health and professional policy for the specialty through a format it is calling "Forum Beruf," or "Profession Forum." Topics will include hospital reform, outpatient treatment, the softening of specialist boundaries, and the shortage of skilled workers.

The gathering will also offer a "Career Forum" that will allow attendees to engage around topics such as the following:

  • "Cash cow" radiology
  • Hospital reform and outpatient care: Opportunities and risks for radiology
  • Is outpatient radiology crisis-proof?
  • MRI as a nonspecialist service
  • Radiology as a business: Efficiency, financing, and relevance
  • Radiology education regulations and certifications

"The 'Career Forum' ... [is] a platform for topics relating to health strategy and professional law," Prof. Dr. Gerald Antoch of the German Radiological Society (DRG) Board said in a statement released on 12 May by the society. "It is intended to sensitize the participants of the congress to these topics and give them the opportunity to exchange ideas."

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