Alexandra Gersing receives 2023 Röntgen Prize

2023 05 25 00 58 2151 Gersing Alexandra 20230525004030

Dr. Alexandra Gersing has won the prestigious Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Prize 2023 awarded by the German Radiological Society (DRG).

Dr. Alexandra Gersing. Courtesy of DRG / Thomas Ralafzyk.Dr. Alexandra Gersing. Courtesy of DRG / Thomas Ralafzyk.

Gersing is a senior physician and head of MRI and artificial intelligence (AI) research at the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology at the University Hospital of Munich. She won the award for her habilitation thesis, "New Techniques for the Optimization of Musculoskeletal Diagnostics."

Gersing's research group's findings include new insights in quantitative and morphological MRI, according to the DRG. She has led research studies proving that the cartilage of diabetics is subject to faster degeneration than the cartilage of individuals without diabetes, for instance, and that weight reduction can slow down the degeneration of the articular cartilage and menisci in obese patients.

The prize has been awarded since 1979 and is supported by a $10,700 endowment (10,000 euros), the DRG said.

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