Survey shows CT justification practices vary across Europe

2020 08 17 17 08 3375 Radiation Logo 400

CT justification practices vary across Europe, with less than 50% using advance justification and a minority having clinical decision support systems in place, according to a study published on 22 November in Insights into Imaging.

The study highlights the results of the European Union (EU)-initiated CT justification project, which set out to capture CT justification practices across Europe. CT examination in Europe is sparse and demonstrates consistent suboptimal application, noted first author Shane Foley, PhD, associate professor at the University College Dublin School of Medicine and Medical Science, and colleagues.

The researchers sent an electronic questionnaire consisting of mostly closed multiple-choice questions to national competent authorities and presidents of European radiology societies in EU member states, as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and the U.K.

Out of 51 responses from 30 European countries, just 47% (n = 24) stated that advance justification of individual CT examinations is performed by a medical practitioner, according to the findings.

Key points in the article include the following:

  • CT justification practices vary across Europe.
  • Less than half of respondents reported advance justification of CT examinations.
  • Imaging referral guidelines are widely available but not in daily use.
  • CT for health screening is not widely used in Europe at present.
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