ESR initiates project to improve justification of CT

2020 08 17 17 08 3375 Radiation Logo 400

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) was recently awarded the European Commission Tender "European coordinated action on improving justification of computed tomography" (EU-JUST-CT).

The project started on 7 April 2021 and will last until March 2024, and the formal kickoff meeting with the European Commission took place on 20 May, according to ESR.

The initiative is led by Prof. Boris Brkljačić, past president of ESR, and is co-led by Alexandra Karoussou-Schreiner from the Ministry of Health in Luxembourg. It aims to improve the justification of CT in Europe through coordinated action.

The project will carry out a survey among national authorities and national radiology societies to enquire about current practices around CT justification, including the use of referral protocols, and it will implement pilot audits of CT justification in a number of European Union member states.

For more information, go to the ESR website.

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