TexRad launches CT analysis software

A tech spin-off from the University of Sussex called TexRad has launched new software that produces prognostic information using diagnostic images.

The software derives "textures" from diagnostic images, and highlights anomalies not seen with the human eye. Using the anomalies, the software generates a risk stratification report that can also be used retrospectively.

TexRad can analyze CT images of colorectal, lung, renal, prostate, and esophageal cancers, as well as mammograms.

TexRad may be able to predict early response to treatment, prognosis, and tissue characterization. Doing so allows clinicians to modify treatment early and improve patient outcomes, according to TexRad's creator, Balaji Ganeshan, PhD, a research fellow at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School at the University of Sussex.

Clinical settings in the U.K., Denmark, the U.S., and Italy are evaluating the software to enhance development and clinical usability, according to TexRad.

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