A new novel published on Amazon, Time, Distance, and Shielding, is a medical thriller featuring a young, meddling x-ray tech who uses her keen powers of observation to stop the bad guys.

The author is Pat Settegast, the pen name for Benjamin Roberts, an assistant professor in the radiography program at Baptist College of Health Sciences in Memphis, TN. Roberts described his book as "a little weird, a little scary, but also educational."
Roberts also has a separate series of registry prep books titled Rock the Registry available on Amazon under his own name. He hopes to release the second book in the radiographic thriller series before Christmas.
"One of the reasons I'm writing this series of books is I want the next generation to see that radiography is fun and weird and creatively engaging, and it can also change people's lives for the better," Roberts wrote. "I want techs to be proud of their profession and proud of the unique and creative sets of skills they bring to patient care."