Complete Community Report Description

Insider Program (Leads by Profession) This report shows the number of members, segregated by profession, who have opted-in to the community’s Insider e-mail broadcast program. NOTE: the numbers in this report are accurate on the date the report was generated and will vary over time as members update their membership profiles and professions.
Community Activity This report indicates the total number of times a community page was viewed, indicating the number of times your advertisements are displayed. Average page views per day are the total page views divided by the number of days in the month. Average page views per visitor are the total page views divided by the number of unique visitors to the community. The bar graph shows the average pages view per day.
Page Views by Profession This report shows segregates page views for registered users by profession. The total for all months by profession is indicated by the pie chart.
Page Views by Organization Type This report indicates the pages views by organization type. Please note that organization type is not required to be supplied by the registering member (indicated by unknown). The pie chart shows the distribution for the total for all months shows of each organization type.
Unique Registered User Activity This report indicates the number of unique members/subscribers (as identified by the member identification) who have visited the community during the given month. The percentage relates the unique visitors to the total active site membership. The bar graph shows the total unique registered users for the month. Active membership is defined as registered users (duplicate emails removed), who have visited the site in the past twelve months.
Unregistered Users This report indicates the number of unregistered users who visited the community. Some communities have an “open” front page enabling an unregistered user to become familiar with the community before deciding to register.
Click/Lead Generation This report indicates the total number of times a visitor clicks on the advertisement and is directed to the designated URL. The Click-through rate is the number of clicks/leads divided by the total views for all advertisements in the community. The bar graph represents the clicks/leads for the month indicated.
Clicks by Profession This report shows the clicks/leads segregated by profession. The pie chart shows the total number of clicks for each profession for all months shown.
Clicks by Organization Type This report shows the clicks/leads segregated by organization type. Please note that organization type is not a required to be supplied by the registering member (indicated by unknown). The pie chart shows the distribution for the total for all months shows of each organization type.
Reports Disclaimer
These reports are for the express use of and by our clients. Report’s of site usage, tracking and processing log files are made in accordance with industry adopted practices. We do rely on accurate information being provided by registered members. Best efforts are made to ensure that the information provided in this report are accurate.
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