EOS secures deal with French radiology group

EOS Imaging and France's largest private radiology group VIDI have announced the installation of a 10th low-dose x-ray system in the group's network. The two parties have also signed a partnership agreement to allow VIDI members fuller access to EOS' equipment.

The latest system will be installed in the Paul Souday Radiology Center in Le Havre, a part of VIDI's Le Havre Radiology Group (Groupe Radiologie Havrais, GRH).

The move mirrors the growing adoption of EOS systems across radiology centers, which allows doctors to take pertinent treatment decisions using the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principle, according to VIDI, which comprises 40 centers across France and employs a total of 700 radiologists. Through the partnership, radiologists can now harness biplane low-dose EOS imaging, as well as an online 3D modeling program and surgery planning tools, optimizing patient care and treatment.

"Our 10th EOS machine allows us to offer patients the latest low-dose radiological innovations for spine and lower member pathologies, notably scoliosis in children and adolescents, the degenerative spine in adults, and hip and knee surgery," noted Dr. Laurent Verzaux, GRH radiologist and general director of the VIDI group.

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