Banner Specification -- Community Sponsorship

Digital community banner ads
Digital community banner ads are eye-catching teaser graphics with a simple message or tag-line. They may be animated and may utilize Flash; please refer to the Ad Specifications Overview document for animation and Flash requirements. Digital community sponsorships make available up to five banner positions throughout that community.

Digital community inline ads
The digital community inline ad is optional, and it is intermixed with regular news content. It should be more informational and text-based, with minimal or no graphics. Graphics may not be animated. A typical graphic would be a company logo or product image. To distinguish the inline ad from regular content, a soft "Advertisement" tag is placed above it.

Digital community mobile inline ads
The digital community mobile inline ad is optional, and it is intermixed with regular news content. It is viewable only from mobile devices such as iPads or BlackBerry. It should be more informational and text-based, with minimal or no graphics. For more details, click on the Mobile Inline specification page.

Suggestions for successful inline ads
Consider your intent in placing an inline ad and the appearance of the regular news articles surrounding it. The inline ad is formatted in the same style as other articles. You can expect the ad to display approximately 6 lines of text, or 350 characters (including spaces).

Digital community banner positioning
Digital Community Layout Option #1

Digital Community Layout Option #2

Digital Community Layout Option #3

Ad specifications overview
The digital community sponsorship utilizes several varying banner ads. Click here to view the deliverable requirements for each banner. At minimum, you must supply non-Flash banners; animated or static GIFs, JPEGs, or PNGs are acceptable formats. Flash banners are optional.

Maximum file size:
The maximum aggregate file size limit for all community banners is 140kb. As the sponsor of your digital community, you are entitled to allocate the file size wherever you see fit within your community. For example, you may allocate a large portion of your file size "budget" to the position 9 banner, while using simple branding banners for the other banner positions.

Keep in mind that you may use up to 140kb for all non-Flash banners, and you may use up to 140kb for all Flash banners.

Editorial Insider Newsletter:
All subscriptions are published in an HTML format, which is also made available online to those subscribers who cannot view HTML-formatted e-mail. Flash is not supported in e-mail subscriptions.

Editorial Insider Newsletter sponsorship provides two options of varying positions: Option #1 layout includes Position 8 only. Option #2 layout includes Position 9/Leaderboard, and Position 7/Skyscraper. The Position 7/Skyscraper position is optional in #2 layout.
See the Editorial Insider Newsletter layout options below:

Editorial Insider Newsletter Layout Option #1

Editorial Insider Newsletter Layout Option #2

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