Brenda TilkeClinical NewsESR adopts 'bigger is better' membership strategyAlthough the Radiological Society of North America continues to host the world's largest radiology meeting, the Vienna-based European Society of Radiology (ESR) hopes to surpass RSNA's membership numbers, partially through an innovative low-cost membership drive. The philosophy behind the membership drive can be summed up with ESR's new slogan: "The bigger we are -- the better we can serve you."August 12, 2007Clinical NewsAlliance for MRI gains delay, but new European rules still loomA coalition of European MRI advocates won a partial victory in June in its fight against new safety regulations that some believe will effectively shut down the use of MRI across the European Union. But the Alliance for MRI, led by the European Society of Radiology (ESR) of Vienna, faces additional struggle in winning a permanent injunction against implementation of the rules.July 25, 2007Page 1 of 1Top StoriesMedical, Legal, and PracticeU.K. radiologist receives suspended sentenceA senior radiologist from a top U.K. cancer hospital has received an eight-week sentence suspended for 12 months for an illicit sexual encounter on a train. He now faces a General Medical Council investigation.ECR 2025Video from ECR: What's up with Paul Parizel?ECR 2025MRI departments can limit water pollution, be more energy-efficientECR 2025Philips showcases AI, MRI, and informatics upgrades at ECR 2025ECR 2025Embolization procedure reduces hip pain in osteoarthritis patients