MRI Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

The RSNA 2011 congress provided some outstanding information about new developments in MRI, and we're devoting this final email newsletter of the year to articles from the recent event in Chicago.

The development of parallel imaging techniques and hardware improvements have enabled time-resolved MR angiography (MRA) acquisition, and it's now possible to measure blood-flow velocity at different stages of the cardiac cycle. Researchers from Hamburg, Germany, provided a clear and succinct update about the current status of 4D MRA, and it's our top story today. Visit our MRI Digital Community to find out more.

MRI is also finding increasing applications in the detection and diagnosis of dementia. Dutch radiologists have discovered that hippocampal shape can predict dementia in the general population, on average four years before clinical diagnosis. However, considerable care and knowledge are required. Get the story here.

The successful introduction of procedures such as knee replacement, ligamentous reconstruction, and articular cartilage and meniscus repair has led to rapid growth in open and arthroscopic knee surgery. This has boosted demand for postoperative MRI, but the topic's barely covered in the literature. Swiss researchers have sought to rectify the matter. Click here to read more.

Meanwhile, whole-body MRI now appears to be superior to spinal MRI in terms of prognostic value for multiple myeloma patients after stem cell transplantation, according to new German research. For our news report, click here.

There's rarely a simple solution to coping with patients who suffer from claustrophobia prior to undergoing MRI, but hypnosis may have a role here. Two MR technicians and a radiologist from France spent more than a year learning about the art of hypnosis, and have now used it successfully on 41 patients. Click here to read about their experiences.

Please make sure you keep a close eye on our MRI Digital Community throughout 2012. We very much look forward to bringing you further news about this fascinating modality.

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