Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

Radiography provides valuable diagnostic information in musculoskeletal examinations, but perhaps surprisingly, often it can be overlooked, particularly when it comes to the upper and lower limbs.

That's the view of researchers from the Algarve region of southern Portugal. Quick and simple measurements can be of great use here, and they have carried out a comprehensive evaluation of this area. To find out more, click here.

In another important study, Belgian radiologists have looked at the role of digital x-ray for the assessment of tendon pathology in the elbow. In recognition of their efforts, they won a prize at the 2015 congress of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology, held in York, U.K. Get the details here.

Kitty Clark is not as well-known as Marie Curie, Florence Nightingale, and other female medical pioneers, but she made a huge contribution to radiography positioning and exposure and inspired many radiographers. Dr. Adrian Thomas has discussed her legacy in his latest history column. Click here to learn more.

The long-term implications of the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are only just becoming clear. For instance, Japanese radiologists have found dark spots on computed radiography images. Click here for the full details.

For reading bedside chest x-rays, is the radiologist still needed, or can the task be delegated to other physicians? Researchers from Zurich University Hospital have attempted to answer this question. For their analysis and discussion, click here.

This is only a small sampling of articles that have appeared in your Digital X-Ray Community over the past few weeks. See below for the full listing, and please do check back regularly for further reports.

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