Lung cancer screening moves ahead in France

The French Society of Radiology (SFR) has highlighted the launch of a national lung cancer screening pilot study scheduled to begin during the second half of 2025.

The Impulsion project is taking place within the framework of a research program (RIPH2) coordinated by the Assistance Publique des HĂ´pitaux de Paris. Prof. Marie Pierre Revel, a radiologist, and Prof. SĂ©bastien Couraud, a pulmonologist, are the two co-investigators. This research will include 20,000 smokers or former smokers aged 50 to 74. Its objectives include specifying the cancer detection rate, identifying the most effective tracking and invitation strategies, and finding out whether AI can be a second reader, according to a statement from the SFR.

The French Society of Thoracic Imaging (SIT) will organize the recruitment of participating radiological facilities. Only radiologists trained in screening according to the European certification program developed by the SFR and Forcomed will be able to be investigators, and they must also be linked to a network for managing positive cases. Also, radiologists must have been trained in good clinical practices over the past three years.

More information on the pilot can be found on the SFR's site.

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