Week in Review: Going Dutch on COVID-19 | Pros and cons of home working by radiologists | AuntMinnie's Virtual Conference resumes

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

You know a European study must be important when it's given prominence by the journal Radiology, so this week's lead article must be our news story about the COVID-19 Reporting and Data System (CO-RADS).

This novel Dutch system aims to simplify the reporting of pulmonary involvement of COVID-19 on chest CT. It was developed in the acute stage of the pandemic, with rapidly rising case numbers and a parallel restriction in resources, explained lead author Dr. Mathias Prokop, PhD, of Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen. Go to the CT Community. Also, look out for Tuesday's follow-up article about the work of Prokop's group.

Many radiologists have worked from home over recent weeks. This has pros and cons, as shown by a thought-provoking interview with Dr. Mattias Mjöman, a radiologist at Region Skåne, Sweden. Please tell us about your own experiences by posting a comment below the article or in our Forums section.

Another extremely topical issue is personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 infection control. The availability of PPE and the approach to cleaning scanners between patients appear to vary widely. To find out more, we asked five experienced radiographers from across Europe to tell us about how they're using PPE and which guidelines they find most useful.

Lung ultrasound has proved valuable for doctors needing to make diagnosis, treatment, and admission decisions for adult patients with COVID-19, but limited research exists about its effectiveness for children. Italian researchers have shed new light in this area, and their findings are worth a close look in the Ultrasound Community. While you're there, check out the U.K.'s latest advice on obstetric ultrasound.

Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has taken action to ensure that nuclear medicine departments keep patients and staff safe during the pandemic. You can read about the IAEA document in the Molecular Imaging Community.

Last but not least, don't forget the AuntMinnie.com 2020 Virtual Conference resumes today at 5 p.m. CET. Please log on or register whenever you can.

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