Barcelona's hot debate; tips on Middle East jobs; U.K issues intervention advice

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

A hot topic within cardiac imaging is whether MRI will replace nuclear imaging -- and if so, in which areas. The issue came to the fore at this week's European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, held in Barcelona, Spain.

Two highly respected researchers went head to head in a lively but good-tempered debate about how best to detect ischemia. Go to our Cardiac Imaging Digital Community, or click here.

The International Congress of Radiology takes place in Dubai next week, and we will have onsite news coverage direct from the conference. In advance of the event, we've interviewed radiologists from Austria and Italy about working in the Middle East. They have a series of practical tips for anybody considering relocating to the region. Get the details here.

Deciding on appropriate levels of nursing support is vital to the success of interventional radiology procedures, and the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists has published new guidelines on this topic. They are well worth a read -- and better still, they are free to download. Visit our CT Digital Community, or click here.

As our regular readers will know, we track the leading journals very closely -- both the print and online versions. One of the most interesting articles published during the past month concerns a prospective study that includes data from more than 21,000 consecutive screening mammograms between 2010 and 2012. To learn more, click here.

In another important article involving the use of diffusion-tensor MRI, Italian researchers detected brain changes related to improved balance and movement in multiple sclerosis patients who regularly trained on a Nintendo Wii balance board for 12 weeks. Results were published online in Radiology. Click here to read more.

Last but not least, editorial adviser Dr. Soraya Robinson has prepared a case report about a 3-month-old boy with swelling near the left eye. Test your diagnostic skills by going to the Case of the Week section.

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