Be like a spider, says Reekers; DRK opens in Hamburg; sports injuries to knee

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Don't bury your head in the sand, as an ostrich reputedly does; instead, behave more like a spider and develop a network that allows you to notice and detect everything around you.

That's the advice of respected Dutch radiologist Dr. Jim Reekers, PhD. He left the Executive Council of the European Society of Radiology in March, so is now free to express his opinions, and his editorial published last week is well worth a second look. To read more, click here.

The 95th German Radiological Society's annual meeting, the DRK, opened its doors today in Hamburg, Germany. This is only the seventh time the congress has been organized jointly with the ÖRG, the Austrian Radiological Society, and we'll bring you news direct from this special event. Click here for our opening article, and make sure you check back to our home page over the next few days.

When Sami Khedira ran on as a sub during Saturday's UEFA Champions League Final, the Real Madrid medical team must have breathed a huge sigh of relief. Like many athletes, he's had serious knee problems, but imaging can really help in such cases. Go to our MRI Digital Community, or click here.

Turkey will be one of the host nations at ECR 2015, and the country's radiologists are keen to show they're making rapid progress. We interviewed several of them about how the profession is developing, as well as their collaboration with overseas colleagues and hopes for the future. Get the story here.

Radiology needs to be more closely integrated into clinical trial design -- ideally from the earliest stages -- and not merely consulted after the design is finished, according to a new white paper published in Academic Radiology by the German Association of Chairmen in Academic Radiology. Visit our CT Digital Community, or click here.

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