CT Insider

Dear CT Insider,

I thought you'd want to know that two strong CT news reports have gone live on our site today.

First up is an article looking at why requests for CT scans get rejected, and what must be done to guard against further rejections. This story is based on the findings of a U.K. audit presented at the 2013 U.K. Radiological Congress. To find out more, go to your CT Digital Community, or click here.

Next up is a report from the European Journal of Radiology about the optimum use of breast CT. Given the relatively high cost and radiation exposure involved in CT examinations of the breast, this is a vitally important topic. You can read about it here.

Cocaine smuggling is an increasing global problem, and CT has a central role in tackling the issue. The modality is far more effective than abdominal x-ray in detecting ingested packets of cocaine in drug mules, according to forensic research from France. The group studied 138 confirmed cases of smuggling during 2011 and their findings are clear cut. Click here to read more.

The complications of bariatric surgery require careful investigation, and CT can also help here. A CT exam should be performed when an upper gastrointestinal contrast study has failed in a suspected case of fistula, and it can ensure other complications are ruled out, French researchers told delegates at the 2013 European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology meeting in Barcelona. Get the story here.

This is only a small selection of the articles posted recently in your CT Digital Community. For the full list, please see below.

We hope you enjoy this coverage and find it useful in your work. If you have any future ideas, please contact me.

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