ESR adds support to crisis preparation plans

2021 01 12 20 05 9564 Covid 19 Spread Usa 400

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has welcomed three European Commission proposals designed to strengthen the continent's crisis preparedness and response to COVID-19 and future health crises.

The proposals include initiatives that regulate serious cross-border threats to health, reinforce the mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and regulate a framework for addressing public health emergencies. They were proposed by the Commission on 11 November 2020, and they are open to public comment up until 2 February.

The ESR took advantage of the opportunity to comment on all three initiatives on 6 January. The ESR welcomed and supported the proposals as well as highlighted the role medical imaging and healthcare professionals play in crisis response.

"Being on the forefront of the fight against various pandemics, radiologists can provide valuable input to amendments made to preparedness capacities," the organization wrote in its comment to the European Commission's proposal to regulate serious cross-border threats to health.

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