Radiology training in Spain undergoes major change

2020 12 14 19 04 0818 Sarasua Gorospe 20201214192744

The Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) is holding its introduction to radiology course online for the first time this week. The pandemic has forced us to study hard, to work hard in hospital wards day and night, and to introduce contingency plans, says course director Dr. Luis Gorospe Sarasúa.

"A pandemic like COVID-19 can also provide a unique opportunity to study, research, and publish about a new disease," he said in a SERAM release. "We cannot forget that it has also had a full impact on the training of radiology residents, which is why many hospitals have devised alternative forms of teaching (online sessions, webinars, etc.) to maintain the quality of training for residents."

Dr. Luis Gorospe Sarasúa.Dr. Luis Gorospe Sarasúa.

The SERAM course, which is in its 13th year, runs from 14 to 18 December and aims to introduce the specialty to new residents (R1) and help them acquire the skills that will be necessary for their professional development. SERAM said it has tried to maintain a dynamic, varied, and useful program in the virtual format with the most significant change being shorter talks (20 minutes each).

The talks will be grouped into five afternoons (one hour each afternoon), followed by an interactive chat/debate involving the speakers. The talks are in the afternoon so the residents do not have to miss their rotations and can see as many presentations as possible in case they have to be on call.

Presentations will cover the various radiological subspecialties (neuro, abdomen, musculoskeletal, emergency, etc.) as well as more theoretical topics like artificial intelligence, bibliographic resources, and websites residents might find useful.

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