EMA struggles with staffing issues after relocation

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has acknowledged that it will require several more months to rebuild its workforce following its recent relocation from London to Amsterdam due to Brexit.

In the first meeting at its new temporary premises, the Spark building in Amsterdam, the EMA management board was notified of a likely delay in reassembling the workforce. The EMA also updated its board on continuing improvements to potential medicine shortages and the supply of centrally authorized products.

The EMA said it will operate under business continuity conditions for the evaluation and supervision of medicines throughout 2019, which could influence the implementation of legislation such as the medical device legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public can expect the upcoming release of a question-and-answer document on the work that European Union (EU) officials are conducting to prevent medicine shortages caused by Brexit, according to the EMA.

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