DRG renovates Röntgen's birthplace home

The German Radiological Society (DRG) has begun renovating the birthplace home of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in Lennep, North Rhine-Westphalia, the society announced.

Röntgen was born on March 27, 1845. In 1895, he produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as x-rays or Röntgen rays. In 1901, he earned the first Nobel Prize in physics for this work.

The DRG purchased Röntgen's birthplace home in May 2011 and finished a building assessment of it last year. It has begun renovating the home in consultation with the German Röntgen Museum.

The house's three floors will provide an ideal setting for workshops and seminars by scientific working groups of radiology, radiotherapy, and physics, as well as meetings of national and international societies and committees, the DRG said.

For more information or to become a sponsor to help support the project, visit the www.roentgen-geburtshaus.de.

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