3D/4D ultrasound prospers in Western Europe

Sixty-six percent of doctors who specialize in ob/gyn in Western Europe are using 3D ultrasound.

A survey by the research firm InMedica of Wellingborough, U.K., reports that 43% of doctors specializing in ob/gyn use 3D/4D ultrasound for clinical diagnosis, while 66% use the imaging technology for patient-driven exercises, such as baby bonding.

The study also noted that the ratio of doctors using 3D ultrasound in ob/gyn for clinical diagnosis was much greater than for doctors specializing in cardiology (21%) or general radiology (17%).

Related Reading

European cardiologists eye hand-carried ultrasound, May 20, 2008

Sonohysterography-guided biopsy is effective in endometrial pathology, May 5, 2008

European ultrasound market on the rise, April 30, 2008

3D imaging market grows in Europe, February 28, 2008

3D: Rendering a new era, May 2, 2005

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