European PACS market on the rise

Significant opportunities are present in the European PACS market for vendors who can provide customized products and services that support enhanced workflow.

That observation comes from a new report by market research firm Frost & Sullivan of San Antonio. The study estimates that the European PACS market was worth $590.3 million (U.S.) in 2007 and could reach $1.03 billion in 2014.

The market for PACS, although mature in some parts of the region, such as northern Europe, could accelerate with "sizeable capital investment" and the "advantages of having a good data management system," the report noted.

Customizing PACS projects, though lucrative, is stretching vendors' capabilities, the study added. The provision of open architecture due to the increasing sophistication and complexity of software also presents a challenge to market participants.

Related Reading

Report projects growth in cardiac PACS, July 7, 2008

Eastern European medical imaging market grows, June 12, 2008

European flat-panel detector market climbing, June 11, 2008

European ultrasound market on the rise, April 30, 2008

New applications boost CAD in Europe, April 10, 2008

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