European Parliament finalizes delay of EMF directive

In a final decision, the European Parliament postponed until 2012 the implementation of a controversial directive that could have drastically restricted the use of MRI, according to a coalition of European MRI advocates.

Physical Agents 2004/40/EC Directive, also known as the EMF (electromagnetic field) Directive, was written to protect workers from the potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, including those produced by MRI systems. But the Alliance for MRI, led by the European Society of Radiology (ESR) of Vienna, believes the proposal would have shut down the use of MRI across the European Union if implemented.

The postponement will allow more time for an amendment to be made, and Parliament's vote moves the process forward. The next step in the legislative process will be a vote at Parliament's Council of Ministers later this month, the Alliance for MRI said.

Related Reading

European Commission delays MRI usage directive, October 29, 2007

Alliance for MRI gains delay, but new European rules still loom, July 26, 2007

Scientists warn new E.U. rules threaten MRI scans, June 11, 2007

European radiology mobilizes to stave off MRI safety rules, March 9, 2007

New E.U. rules threaten MRI research, use - experts, September 21, 2005

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