GE sues Danish radiologist

GE Healthcare of Chalfont St. Giles, U.K., has filed a libel suit against a Danish radiologist, alleging that he made false accusations about the company.

The Sunday Times of London reported that GE is pursuing the legal action against Dr. Henrik Thomsen, director of the department of diagnostic sciences at the University of Copenhagen, for remarks related to the possible connection between the company's contrast agents and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF).

GE has confirmed to that the lawsuit has been filed.

In a written statement, GE said it initiated the lawsuit "because, despite repeated efforts by GE Healthcare to engage in a constructive dialogue with Dr. Thomsen, he persisted in making false accusations that the company had deliberately concealed and suppressed information from regulatory authorities in relation to its contrast agent, Omniscan. This action is intended to prevent the further repetition of those statements."

Thomsen was quoted by the newspaper as saying that the lawsuit was "an attempt to silence me. It's dangerous for the patient if we can't frankly exchange views."

According to the report, Thomsen also described his experience with one of GE's drugs as a medical "nightmare," adding that some kidney patients at his hospital contracted NSF after receiving Omniscan.

GE Healthcare countered by saying it "encourages such scientific debate, but the imperative of a robust debate about the safety of gadolinium-based contrast agents does not license Dr. Thomsen to make knowingly false and inaccurate statements about GE Healthcare or its products."

Thomsen would be required to pay GE's legal costs and damages under British law, if GE wins the court case.

Related Reading

Lawsuit hits GE in Alabama CT overdose case, December 18, 2009

GE expands apps for Centricity PACS, December 15, 2009

FDA panel: NSF incidence falls with gadolinium restrictions, December 9, 2009

GE highlights dual-energy CT, MRI elastography at RSNA booth, November 30, 2009

GE to debut MR elastography, November 24, 2009

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