Flat-panel detectors, workflow fuel European C-arm market

Replacement of older image intensifier-based C-arm systems with flat-panel detector technology and the transition into a digital radiology environment to enhance workflow are two factors driving the European C-arm market.

A report from market research and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan of San Jose, CA, estimated that the European C-arm market earned revenues of $375.2 million in 2005 and could reach $548.8 million in 2012.

The study also noted that the high cost of flat-panel C-arms and a lack of funding for healthcare projects will pose "an important limitation to their adoption in the mobile C-arms segment."

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
October 4, 2006

Related Reading

Frost forecasts strong growth in European display market, September 22, 2006

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Cardiovascular disease growth pushes European digital cath lab implementation, February 2, 2006

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