Report: Imaging sales to drop 15% in emerging markets

The global economic crisis will limit growth in diagnostic imaging in emerging markets, particularly for advanced CT and MRI sales, according to a new report conducted by Millennium Research Group of Toronto.

Revenue from CT and MRI scanner sales in Russia, Brazil, and India will shrink by almost 15% in 2009. The current downturn has devalued both Brazilian and Indian currencies over the first four months of this year, increasing the relative cost of imported diagnostic imaging systems from the U.S. and Europe, while in Russia, the impact of the global crisis has been compounded by political unrest, Millennium said in its report.

Related Reading

Imaging and the economic crisis: Part 2 -- Recovery and reform, March 24, 2009

Imaging and the economic crisis: Part 1 -- Sudden impact, March 19, 2009

Report: Hospitals hit by capital crunch, February 2, 2009

Survey forecasts drop in capital purchasing, December 18, 2008

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