Charité to study CTLM system

CT laser mammography (CTLM) developer Imaging Diagnostic Systems (IDSI) of Fort Lauderdale, FL, announced that Charité Medical University in Berlin has begun a clinical study of its breast imaging technology.

The study will examine the potential role of IDSI's model 1020 CTLM laser breast imaging system as an enhanced breast cancer screening tool when used in combination with indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescent dye. The study will be conducted at Charité's Campus Virchow-Klinikum under principal investigator Dr. Alexander Poellinger.

Poellinger and colleagues hope that by using a fluorescent dye in a clinical breast cancer study they can demonstrate an enhancement of the sensitivity and the specificity of diffuse optical tomography. They will be using a modified CTLM breast scanner that is capable of acquiring both absorption and fluorescence images.

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