Study aims to investigate tech on lung cancer diagnosis

2020 12 04 16 16 3689 Artificial Intelligence Lung Color 400

A new University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust study aims to reduce the time taken to diagnose lung cancer by using's qXR technology to detect abnormalities on chest x-rays.

The LungIMPACT trial will investigate the use of this technology, which is designed to detect potential abnormalities on chest x-rays. It will be co-led by Nick Woznitza, PhD, and David Baldwin, MD.

For the study, qXR will produce a secondary image for each chest x-ray with an overlay to highlight certain abnormalities. If the AI detects a problem, this will highlight the x-ray on the reporting worklist. This will allow for the reporting radiographer to prioritize this for urgent reporting. From there, the researchers will determine whether use of this AI "triage" can successfully bring down time diagnosis times.

This work was commissioned and funded by the NHS Cancer Programme, with the support of SBRI Healthcare and the NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative. It is supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Biomedical Research Centre at UCLH.

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