Canon launches AI MRI exam planning software in U.K.

2020 01 30 00 07 3624 Canon Rsna 2019 400

Canon Medical Systems has released Auto Scan Assist, artificial intelligence (AI) software intended to streamline MRI exam workflow.

The software will help U.K. National Health Service (NHS) radiology departments streamline the planning of MRI exams, the company said. It allows for automated slice alignment for anatomical studies and reduces the workload burden on radiographers by 80%, according to a press release issued by Canon on 3 February.

The software features ProstateLine+, for automatic slice orientation and positioning for axial, sagittal, and coronal planes based on PI-RAD standards. This tool also provides details and exact slide orientation and positioning for prostate exams, the company said.

In addition, Auto Scan Assist includes LiverLine+ and Sure VOI Liver for automatic slice orientation and positioning for 2D RMC probe, visual prep, MR cholangiopancreatography, and liver exams. Its W-SpineLine+ feature assists in planning spine studies and setting up double-oblique slices, the company said.

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