Ibex promotes study of AI software to assess tube and line placement

2022 04 21 18 14 3192 2022 04 22 Ibex Trueview 20220421181055

Ibex is highlighting a recent U.K. study published in Acta Radiologica that demonstrates the company's artificial intelligence (AI) software can help assess tube and line placement in mobile chest x-ray imaging while maintaining diagnostic image quality in the lung field.

Mobile chest x-rays are performed in intensive care units without antiscatter grids to confirm tube and line hardware placement. But assessing images can be challenging due to degraded contrast resulting from scatter, Ibex said in a news release.

Ibex Trueview is AI software designed to accurately correct for scatter, delivering grid-like diagnostic images with enhanced visibility of tubes and lines in the same contrast stretch, without using a grid, the company said.

Examples of postprocessed enhanced OEM and Trueview images. Images courtesy of Acta Radiologica.Examples of postprocessed enhanced OEM and Trueview images. Images courtesy of Acta Radiologica.

In the study, a total of 30 chest x-ray exams were processed using Trueview and compared with standard OEM images by two radiologists and four ICU doctors. Reviewers were more likely to score Trueview higher than OEM for mediastinal structures, bones, retrocardiac region, tube visibility, and tube safety (p < 0.01), according to the findings.

In addition, clinicians were 3.8 times more likely to agree that safe placement of lines and tubes could be confirmed with Trueview images when compared with OEM images.

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