The list of candidates for the fourth edition of the EuroMinnies awards scheme is now available, following the nominations made by the members of AuntMinnieEurope.com. A new category for radiographers has been introduced this year.
Radiology's continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of artificial intelligence, and the proliferation of virtual congresses and webinars in 2021 feature strongly among your selections.
The EuroMinnies recognize the best and brightest in European radiology, and our latest annual campaign includes candidates in nine categories, ranging from Most Influential Radiology Researcher to Best New Radiology Vendor.
EuroMinnies winners will be selected by our expert panel in two rounds of voting. The finalists will be announced in late January 2022, with the final winners announced in late February. The trophies will be distributed in March.
Most Influential Radiology Researcher

Dr. Núria Bargalló Alabart, PhD, consultant in neuroradiology, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain (see CV)
Dr. Carlo Catalano, professor and head of radiology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (see Researchgate.net)
Dr. Ferdia Gallagher, PhD, professor of translational imaging, University of Cambridge, U.K. (see biography)
Dr. Sylvia Heywang-Köbrunner, PhD, professor of radiology, Brustdiagnostik München, Germany (see biography)
Dr. Gabriel Krestin, PhD, head of radiology & nuclear medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (see biography)
Dr. Denis Le Bihan, PhD, founding director, NeuroSpin, French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Paris, France (see LinkedIn)
Dr. İhsan Şebnem Örgüç, professor of radiology, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey (see biography)
Dr. Sophia Zackrisson, PhD, senior consultant radiologist, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden (see biography)
Most Effective Radiology Educator
Dr. Bettina Baessler, consultant radiologist, Zurich University Hospital, Switzerland (see biography)
Dr. Pascal Baltzer, editor in chief, European Journal of Radiology, Vienna, Austria (see LinkedIn)
Dr. Afshin Gangi, PhD, professor and chair of radiology and nuclear medicine, University Hospital Strasbourg, France (see LinkedIn)
Dr. Apostolos Karantanas, PhD, professor of radiology, University of Crete, Greece (see biography)
Dr. Yolanda Ruiz Martín, pediatric radiologist, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain (see Researchgate.net)
Dr. Francesco Sardanelli, professor of radiology, University of Milan, Italy (see biography)
Dr. Suresh de Silva, founder and director, Radiology Across Borders (see biography)
Dr. Marc Zins, head of radiology, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph, France (see Researchgate.net)
Radiology Rising Star
Dr. Sarim Ather, PhD, musculoskeletal radiology fellow, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, U.K. (see LinkedIn)
Dr. Monika Béresová, PhD, researcher, University of Debrecen, Hungary (see biography)
Dr. Paola Clauser, PhD, radiologist, Medical University of Vienna, Austria (see Researchgate.net)
Dr. Michail Klontzas, PhD, radiology resident, University General Hospital of Heraklion (PAGNI), Greece (see biography)
Dr. Sven Nebelung, PhD, radiologist and researcher, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany (see Researchgate.net)
Dr. Quirin Strotzer, resident in radiology, University of Regensburg Medical Center, Germany (see news report)
Dr. Madli-Kärt Uprus, radiology resident, North-Estonia Medical Centre, Tallinn, Estonia (see LinkedIn)
Eckhard Wehrse, doctoral candidate in photon-counting CT, DKFZ German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany (see LinkedIn)
Most Influential Radiographer
Euthimios Agadakos, clinical practice lecturer/associate in CT and radiography, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece (see LinkedIn)
Charlotte Beardmore, director of professional policy, Society of Radiographers (SoR), U.K. (see SoR press release)
Shane Foley, PhD, associate professor, University College Dublin School of Medicine and Medical Science, Ireland (see biography)
Hanna Kalliomäki, radiographer, Greater Lahti Area, Finland (see LinkedIn)
Johan Kihlberg, PhD, specialist radiographer, Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization, Linköping, Sweden (see biography)
Mark McEntee, PhD, professor of diagnostic radiography, University of Cork, Ireland (see LinkedIn)
Jonathan McNulty, PhD, associate professor, University College of Dublin School of Medicine, Ireland (see biography)
Janice St. John-Matthews, clinical fellow to the chief allied health professions officer, NHS England and Improvement, Newport, U.K. (see LinkedIn)
Most Significant News Event in European Radiology
11.7T MRI scanner produces first images (see report from 13 October 2021)
Document about reliance on outsourcing and the impact of investing in training for radiology and oncology in U.K. (see report from 19 October 2021)
Dutch debate pros and cons of contrast-enhanced mammography and MRI for screening women with dense breast tissue (see report from 9 February 2021)
Inquest hears how young woman died from basilar artery thrombosis (see report from 23 February 2021)
New data reveal true scale of missed scans and backlog in U.K. (see report from 21 December 2020)
Publication of global salary survey for radiologists (see report from 16 March 2021 and follow-up commentary on 23 March 2021)
Ransomware attack on Irish health service causes disruption (see report from 17 May 2021)
Siemens launches wide-bore midfield MRI scanner (see report from 18 November 2020)
U.K. radiology's looming crisis deepens in COVID-19 pandemic (see report from 28 April 2021)
Scientific Paper of the Year
Acute presentation of endometriosis: What the radiologist should know. Mandoul C et al, Digital Poster presented at RSNA meeting in December 2020. (See report)
Advanced MRI to study brain tissue alterations in people infected with SARS-COV-2. Wheeler-Kingshott G et al, Digital Poster 1742 presented at ISMRM annual meeting in May 2021. (See report)
Axillary lymphadenopathy at the time of COVID-19 vaccination: Ten recommendations from the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI). Schiaffino S et al, Insights into Imaging, 20 August 2021. (See report)
Five-year annual incidence and clinico-molecular features of breast cancer after the last negative screening mammography at age 68-69. Bucchi L et al, European Radiology, 6 August 2021. (See report)
Impact of specificity on cost-effectiveness of screening women at high risk of breast cancer with magnetic resonance imaging, mammography and ultrasound. Kaiser CG et al, European Journal of Radiology, 29 January 2021. (See report)
Lung cancer mortality reduction by LDCT screening: UKLS randomised trial results and international meta-analysis. Field JK et al, Lancet Regional Health -- Europe, 11 September 2021. (See report)
Magnetic resonance imaging incidents are severely underreported: A finding in a multicentre interview survey. Kihlberg J et al, European Radiology, 20 July 2021. (See report)
Not just prostate: Incidental findings on multiparametric prostate MRI. Alvarez-Hornia E et al, Digital Poster presented at ECR 2021, March. (See report)
Quantification of individual Rare Earth Elements from industrial sources in sewage sludge. Kägi R et al, Water Research X, 1 May 2021. (See report)
The current status of uptake of European Basic Safety Standard (2013/59/Euratom) requirements: Results of a follow-up survey in European radiology departments. European Society of Radiology, Insights into Imaging, 7 October 2021. (See report)
Two-site 7T 1H-MRS study in brainstem of "long COVID" patients. Graf C, Digital Poster 1730 presented at ISMRM 2021, May. (See report)
Use of artificial intelligence for image analysis in breast cancer screening programmes: Systematic review of test accuracy. Freeman K et al, BMJ, 2 September 2021. (See report)
Best New Radiology Device
DRX-Evolution Plus digital radiography system, Carestream Health (see 25 August 2021 report)
Magnifico Open whole-body open MRI scanner, Esaote (see 8 October 2021 report)
MR 5300 1.5-tesla MRI scanner, Philips (see 26 November 2021 report)
Nio Fusion 12MP display system for PACS and breast imaging, Barco (see 27 January 2021 report)
Omnera 500A radiography system, Canon Medical Systems (see 29 November 2020 report)
Revolution Ascend CT scanner, GE Healthcare (see 21 September 2021 report)
SmartMSU with OmniTom Elite CT scanner, Samsung NeuroLogica (see 17 March 2021 report)
Somatom X.ceed CT scanner, Siemens Healthineers (see 11 May 2021 report)
SuperSonic Mach 20 ultrasound scanner, Hologic (see 28 January 2021 report)
Swoop 64mT MRI scanner, Hyperfine (see 19 March 2021 report)
TE7 Max point-of-care ultrasound system, Mindray Medical International (see 27 October 2021 report)
Best New Radiology Software
Advanced intelligent Clear-IQ Engine (AiCE) reconstruction software for PET/CT, Canon Medical Systems (see 10 June 2021 report)
AI computer-assisted triage software for pulmonary embolism, Aidoc (see 2 March 2021 report)
Embo Assist with Virtual Injection 3D visualization software for embolizations, GE Healthcare (see company information)
BerlinCaseViewer app (new Android version) for COVID-19 case recognition, BerlinFlame (see 8 November 2021 report)
BoneView 2.0 AI software for bone trauma x-rays, Gleamer (see 19 May report)
CloudVue mobile 3D cinematic rendering software, International Medical Solutions (see 28 April 2021 report)
CXR-AID software for detection of chest nodules, consolidation, and pneumothorax from chest x-ray, FujiFilm (see 12 August 2021 report)
Genius AI Detection software for breast tomosynthesis, Hologic (see 1 December 2020 report)
GIQuant MR image analysis app for evaluating gastrointestinal function, Motilent (see company information)
qp-Prostate AI software for prostate MRI, Quibim (see 5 March 2021 report)
HealthCCSng software for analysis of coronary artery calcium on nongated CT scans, Zebra Medical Vision (see 27 September report)
MammoScreen, Therapixel (see 12 January 2021 report)
Medical Open Network for AI (MONAI), Nvidia and King's College London (see 30 November 2020 report)
NeuroLogica Auto Lung Nodule Detection tool for locating pulmonary nodules, Samsung NeuroLogica (see 28 October 2021 report)
RSViP AI software for breast screening, Kheiron Medical Technologies (see company information)
SmartSpeed AI-powered data reconstruction platform, Philips (see 26 November 2021 report)
Best New Radiology Vendor
Aignostics, Berlin, Germany (see website)
CancerCenter.AI, Warsaw, Poland (see website)
Care Mentor AI, Moscow, Russia (see website)
Cellmatiq, Hamburg, Germany (see website)
DeepTrace Technologies, Milan, Italy (see website)
Diagnocat, Moscow, Russia (see website)
Hexarad, London, U.K. (see website)
Lucida Medical, Cambridge, U.K. (see website)
Mindpeak, Hamburg, Germany (see website)
Radiobotics, Copenhagen, Denmark (see website)
SpinUp, Entzheim, France (see website)