EU-backed AI project explores 5 uses of AI by 2025

The Sherpa artificial intelligence (AI) project, funded by the European Union (EU), has proposed five scenarios in which AI is likely to play a major role within the next six years.

The EU provided funding to the scheme to promote the responsible development and use of AI in the following five scenarios:

  • Information warfare
  • Educational robots, or "learning buddies"
  • People-mimicking applications
  • Driverless cars
  • Predictive policing

Sherpa researchers have opened their proposal for public review, with the hope of receiving feedback on the potential ethical, legal, social, and economic implications of incorporating AI in these five applications. They will accept comments from the public until Friday, 31 August 2019.

"Our aim is to understand and address the existing and future challenges in AI so that we can advocate the most sustainable solutions that benefit both innovators and society," project coordinator Bernd Stahl, PhD, of De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K., said in a statement. "We want to know what measures policymakers should be adopting to make sure we can deliver a desirable future."

The researchers plan to use feedback from key stakeholders and the general public to inform the set of recommendations they will develop for policymakers regarding the future of AI development.

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