Therapixel adds 5M in financing and new chairman

French artificial intelligence (AI) firm Therapixel is set to collect 5 million euros in financing from Omnes and M Capital Partners and a group of investors that includes Région Sud Investissement, IT-Translation, and Crédit Agricole.

As part of the funding, Sacha Loiseau, PhD, chairman and founder of Mauna Kea Technologies, was appointed to Therapixel's board of directors and subsequently elected as its chairman.

In other company news, Olivier Clatz, co-founder of Therapixel, was recently named as program manager of AI for diagnosis by the French Innovation Council. The appointment is part of Clatz's departure from Therapixel. Pierre Fillard, chief technology officer and also a Therapixel co-founder, will hold the position of CEO until a new chief executive joins the company.

Therapixel was established in 2013 by Clatz and Fillard from Inria, the French national institute for computer science and applied mathematics. In 2017, it won the Digital Mammography Dream Challenge with its AI-based algorithm for breast cancer screening, which it continues to develop, the company said.

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